Tag Archives: His dysplasia

Hips Don’t Lie… Shakira Shakira

Firstly, I can’t get the Shakira song Hips Don’t Lie out of my head. It was the soundtrack to a night out recently celebrating what I am going to call ‘Personal Victory’ night.

Since the operation, I have been told “don’t do so much!” or “you should say no more often” in regards to my work, hobbies and interests. Understandable, but of course, I am the queen of defiance. MC Hammer may have said “Cant Touch This” but I was the child that would sit with a stick poking whatever it was until it did something or I was told off. I’ve never been able to sit still, which is why recovery from this PAO has been pretty damn hard.

The thing is, if I had said no, I wouldn’t have this great feeling of self worth that is only achievable by doing the seemingly impossible and accomplishing some sweet, sweet, personal victories. 8 months post op, and the amount of personal achievements and victories in this last month have been tenfold.

8 months… Holy moley! And to think this time 8 months ago I was lying in bed post op coming off the anaesthetic by impersonating the Batman villain Bain.

I wouldn’t have been able to achieve any of the below without my wonderful support network of family and friends. So thank you to all who were there for me when I needed them most. Thank you.

Personal Victory #1


This is me all bunched up in a corner where the band played for the musical Bare. I was offered the gig originally and said no. When my good friend the Musical Director (MD) was in a pickle and needed a dep (a stand in musician, like an understudy if someone can’t play all the shows), I eventually decided that perhaps it might be a good idea to help out and drum after all. I’m glad I did. It was a great gig to come back to the music world with that involved high energy drumming. My right kick drum leg was not as powerful as it used to be, but I’m sure with strengthening and time it will get back to before, if not better!

Personal Victory #2
MD School Production


I signed on to school production in the previous year knowing I had my operation coming up early 2013. My decision to take part again (second year in a row being MD) was down to two things. One, I had a funky colleague who wanted to co-produce the show with me, and two, I needed the distraction. Funny, production ended up being a recovery roller coaster that I found myself thinking about other distractions from itself. After 6 long months the show went on with a great reception given from all audiences. All that time spent arranging, composing, fixing, cutting, note-bashing and throwing one tanty, the entire experience was yet again, completely worth it.

Personal Victory #3
“Go For A Run”


My physio instructed me to try a 500m run/jog. After seeing me intermittently over 3 week periods and having me complete clinical pilates, my physio has been tremendously happy with my progress. I’ve done a few little jogs and so far, no pain. I still have referred pain, but now the pain is more localised to the actual operation site. Run Forest, run! Back in the game!!!

Personal Victory #4
A Night Out in Heels

So back to where the party started. To celebrate all the other personal victories, one went out with the work amigos in style with a black dress and heels. Having not worn heels for so long, this was a big effort. Slightly wobbly at first, but eventually was back to being a pro at least an hour in from wearing them. Amazing.

Personal victories, I’m not going to lie and take a page out of Shakira’s book, I feel pretty awesome that I have managed to achieve all of the above. Now I can relax as the crazy time consuming musical and gigs have finished, but you know me, I can’t sit still. It’s time to find something else to do…. Oh I got cast in a theatre variety show, does that count? :p

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